How do I bulk edit my content in Zight?

Zight Support
Zight Support
  • Updated

Streamline your content management process with Zight's bulk editing feature! Ever found yourself with multiple drafts cluttering your workspace after creating the perfect GIF? Say goodbye to the tedious task of deleting items one by one. With bulk editing, you can swiftly declutter your workspace and focus on what matters—creating and sharing your best content. Let's simplify your workflow and make content management a breeze!

How to Bulk Edit Your Content

To bulk edit your content in Zight, go to your web dashboard here:

Hover over one of the items you’d like to edit, and click the checkbox in the upper left-hand corner of the thumbnail to select all your items on the page. You can also click to checkmark any items on the page manually.

After you’ve selected all the items you want to edit, you can favorite them, add them to a collection, delete them, or download them by clicking the appropriate icon located above the thumbnails and below the search bar. As shown below.

Screen Recording 2023-08-08 at PM.gif


Note: If you bulk delete your content, you will still be able to access and revive that content for up to 30 days through your trash bin. However, if you delete the items in your trash they will be deleted forever.

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