How do I enable SCIM provisioning through Okta for Zight?

Zight Support
Zight Support
  • Updated
Note: this feature is available only on the Enterprise plans. 

You will need to ensure that you have a custom SAML application for Zight in Okta before setting up SCIM. If you have not yet set up a SAML application, read here for more instructions.


Step-By-Step Instructions

  1. Ensure you have an autojoin set up on your Zight team dashboard
  2. Go to your Okta Admin portal.
  3. Select your Zight application. If you have not yet set up a SAML application, read here for more instructions.
  4. Click the "General" tab and select "Edit" under the App Settings.
    1. Check the box that reads "Enable SCIM provisioning."
    2. Save the changes.


  5. Notice that a new tab appears named "Provisioning." Select this tab.
    1. Select "Edit" next to "SCIM provisioning."
    2. Input SCIM  connector base URL.
    3. Specify the unique identifier for users as "email". 
    4. Check the following options: "import new users and profile updates", "push new users", and "push profile updates."
    5. Use the "Authentication mode" drop-down and select "HTTP header".
    6. Reach out to or your Customer Success Manager for your bearer token. 
    7. Save the changes.


  6. On the left-side of the "Provisioning" tab page, you should now notice a "Settings" option. 
    1. Select "To App"
    2. Select "Edit" next to "Provisioning to App"
    3. Check the following options: "create users", "update user attributes", and "deactivate users."
    4. Save the changes.


  7. Go to your Team settings in your dashboard.
    1. Click "Authentication."
    2. Ensure "SSO" and "SCIM" are both checked.
    3. Select "Update."


  8. Return to your SAML application in Okta. 
    1. Assign this application to new users to provision. 
    2. Remove users to disable. 

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