How do I blur my content?

Zight Support
Zight Support
  • Updated

While most of the annotation features with Zight help you emphasize certain information, you may want to omit some information when creating and sending content. To help you do this, we’ve created the blurring action, pixelating anything you’d like to hide, thus making it illegible! To use the blurring action, follow these steps: 


After taking your screenshot:

Option 1: On the Dashboard:

  1. Select and open the item you want to edit.
  2. Click on "annotate" at the bottom right-hand side of the item. (See GIF below)
  3. Select "Redact" (3rd button at the left-hand sidebar). 
  4. Click and drag the pixelating box until you cover the desired area. 
  5. Click Save. 



Option 2: On the UI's Recent Items:

  1. In the app's main menu, hover your mouse cursor over the recorded GIF you want to edit, and click the "preview" button (a pencil icon) Captura_de_pantalla_2022-12-12_154849.jpg
  2. Click on the "redact" icon (toolbar at the top of the new window, 9th Icon from left to right) Captura_de_pantalla_2022-12-12_155153.jpg
  3. Then click and drag over the sensitive information you need to blur
  4. Hit 'share' to save edits (see the previous image)

Please note that you are only able to use this feature on GIFs and Screenshots.

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