How do I create a collection? How do I create a folder? Where are collections? Where are folders?

Zight Support
Zight Support
  • Updated

With Zight, it's easy to create a video, GIF or annotated screenshot, especially with keyboard shortcuts. But then, this content needs to be saved, organized or shared.

To name a collection, go to your account on and type the name on the left side, in the 'Collections' section.

Zight - Google Chrome 2023-08-03 at 3.36.07 PM.jpeg


Do you want more speed? you can also create them in the desktop app! Here is how you create a new collection in the Windows app.

Collections (1).png

Add items into collections

To add items to a collection, click the plus sign icon on the dashboard ( or click on a title under Collections on the left side of the dashboard.

Add to a collection.gif

You can also add an item to a collection via the folder icon in the Desktop App.


How you can use collections/folders?

  • Knowledge Base
  • HR Onboarding
  • Sales Demos
  • Design Mockups
  • Mood Boarding

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