How do I enable single-sign on (SSO) on my account?

Zight Support
Zight Support
  • Updated

Single sign on is a powerful security tool supported here at Zight. We offer support for the following Single Sign On Methods:

  • Google Authentication
  • SAML 2.0 (supported: Okta, Azure AD, OneLogin)

Google Authentication

Google Authentication is available for all users. Team and Enterprise subscriptions can limit users to only using Google Authentication.

To sign in with Google authentication, you can click this login icon while signing in:

Google SSO.gif

If you are a Team or Enterprise administrator, you can turn on Google Authentication by following these steps:

  1. Sign into your dashboard.
  2. Click your name in the top-right corner.
  3. Select “Team.”
  4. Select “Authentication.”
  5. Check the box that reads “Google.” You can also un-check any methods you do not want supported.
  6. Click “Update.”          

SAML 2.0 SSO SAML methods are supported on Enterprise subscriptions only. If you are interested in a subscription that supports SAML, please contact our sales team.

If you already have an Enterprise-level subscription and would like to set up this form of SSO, here are some helpful articles:

Note: for SAML configurations, auto-join must be set (you can disable it when setting it up)

If you need further assistance or have additional questions, we’d be happy to help! Please contact our support team here.


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